38. Expressive Art Therapy for Motherhood: One Mom's Story

Do you feel like you are drowning in motherhood and unsure how to get to shore?

Are you tired of feeling stuck? Want to know a simple way to boost your mood? Are you buckling under the constant pressure of gentle parenting, meal planning, or other significant life events?

Lately, I've been asked for my perspective on why I do expressive art therapy for moms as a social worker and therapist.

In this episode, I share one mom's transformation with expressive art therapy and how she started the journey toward the shore. 

PSA: While a single session inspired this story, it has been changed and adapted to be non-identifiable and moulded to represent the stories I hear from mothers in my therapy sessions. 

I'm honoured to share my admiration for the rebels who dare to traverse the less-trodden path of self-discovery through art.

Ah Ha Moments: 

  • How you can rebel against the silence that often keeps mothers from understanding their true selves. 

  • Understand the significance of the unconventional method of expressive art therapy for mothers. 

  • Witness the metamorphosis when someone bravely steps into the atypical spaces where art meets the heart.

  • The impact of being seen and supported on one's journey to healing.


Kayla Huszar

I believe that women are not given the tools to succeed in parenting. Constantly striving for an unattainable standard leaves mothers feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

Through the use of creative arts, there is a beautiful moment of sacred stillness. A simple act of intentional creativity can remind a mother of who she is, what is truly important, and what she is capable of.

I aim to provide the best creative arts services both online and in person, because every mother deserves a simple and effective outlet for finding chill, being vibrant and feeling alive.


Six Mom Rage Triggers and How To Cope


37. Juggling Motherhood and Me-Time: Mastering Self-Care Amid the Chaos with Kellie Forsyth