23. Supporting Modern Mom-Life: 3 Ways to Create Equality in Your Relationship with Fair Play and Lauren Tetenbaum

Tired of being in charge all the time? Burning with resentment over the load you carry? Wish your partner would step up?

Discover how to build a fairer relationship and home with the Fair Play method.

Join licensed social worker and fierce advocate for women and girls, Lauren Tetenbaum, as she uncovers the hidden barriers to equality and how you create more equity at home!

3 Ways to Create Equality in Your Relationship with Fair Play

  1. The Power of Reflection: The first step in understanding and addressing feelings of resentment in relationships.

  2. Communication is Key: Why open and honest communication is the foundation of any strong relationship.

  3. When to seek professional help: When you’ve tried everything and nothing is changing, it’s time to get outside help.

In this episode, Lauren and Kayla discuss:

  • The societal constructs and gender stereotypes that often lead to feelings of resentment and inadequacy in relationships.

  • The importance of reflecting on what's working in your relationship and what isn't.

  • The power of effective communication and understanding the value of time in a relationship.

  • The significance of seeking support, both within and outside the relationship, to ensure a harmonious and equitable partnership.


Ah Ha Moments:

  • It's likely that your partner isn't bad guy/gal, it's, they way we are all conditioned.

  • Gender doesn't determine being "better" or "not capable" at the domestic stuff

  • How seeking support and reshaping the rules can lead to more balanced homes and societies

  • How to boldly ask for help


Buy the Fair Play Book
Follow Lauren on IG

About Lauren A. Tetenbaum, LMSW, JD, PMH-C

Lauren A. Tetenbaum, LMSW, JD, PMH-C is an advocate and therapist who specializes in supporting millennial and young women through life transitions, including professional and personal identity shifts. She is the go-to resource for women seeking empowerment and connection. With an approach grounded in empathy and emotional intelligence, Lauren counsels clients on relationships, dating and intimacy, careers, pregnancy and parenting, and family dynamics. She offers cognitive behavioral and feminist psychotherapy to individuals and couples to address anxiety and achieve gender equality. A mother of two with a decade of experience in the legal industry, including as a BigLaw immigration attorney, Lauren also provides coaching and consulting to support parents in corporate settings via groups and workshops. She is passionate about building connections and giving back to her community in the New York City area and beyond. Lauren is frequently featured on women's wellness and motherhood platforms and works with Hello Sunshine (Reese Witherspoon's media company) to train executives and other mental health professionals in Eve Rodsky's Fair Play method.

Kayla Huszar

I believe that women are not given the tools to succeed in parenting. Constantly striving for an unattainable standard leaves mothers feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

Through the use of creative arts, there is a beautiful moment of sacred stillness. A simple act of intentional creativity can remind a mother of who she is, what is truly important, and what she is capable of.

I aim to provide the best creative arts services both online and in person, because every mother deserves a simple and effective outlet for finding chill, being vibrant and feeling alive.


24. Going Back to Work: 3 Secrets To Transition with Ease with Anna McKay (Parents Pivot)


22. Invisible Load of Mompreneur: A Conversation about Women, Wellbeing and Fair Play